Friday, November 23, 2018

ThingsBoard v2.2.0 Release

We are pleased to announce today the availability of ThingsBoard v2.2.0 release that includes new major features and critical bug fixes.

What’s new:

Main features:
  • Introduced support of a microservices architecture and deployment options.
    See microservices architecture page and deployment tips for more details;
  • Improved docker images to be able to launch ThingsBoard with a single command.
    See Linux or MacOS and Windows installation pages;
  • Added Entity Views feature to allow to
    limit the degree of exposure of the Device or Asset telemetry and attributes to the Customers;
  • Added ThingsBoard JavaScript Executor microservice to isolate execution of rule engine scripts from the main rule engine components and flow;
  • Added ThingsBoard Web UI microservice to isolate static content hosting from the REST and Websocket APIs;
  • Added ThingsBoard MQTT, HTTP and CoAP transport microservices to isolate communication with devices from the main ThingsBoard services;
  • Added support of Kafka to store device telemetry before it is processed with ThingsBoard Rule Engine;
  • Introduced Rate Limits for REST, Websocket and Device APIsl
  • Framework for black-box testing of ThingsBoard by automatically launching ThingsBoard cluster using docker-compose and running API tests;
  • Added input widgets bundle.
Additional features:
  • Alarm ack/clear event to the Rule Engine;
  • Added two additional parameters to post-processing function: timestamp of the previous value and original previous value;
  • Shutdown of all rule chains on tenant deletion;
  • Option for case-insensitive username;
  • Max string value length parameter for attributes/timeseries.
  • TTL for events in Cassandra DAO;
  • Redirect to a previous page after login;
  • Cast incoming attributes/telemetry numeric data type if possible;
  • Added Turkish locale;
  • Updated Italian locale;
  • Improved logging;
  • Introduced package-lock.json for msa packages with correct dependencies;
  • Introduced new Cassandra and PostgreSQL based AMIs.
  • Introduced WebSocket blocking send timeout parameter. Use Work Stealing Pool for dynamic threads management instead of custom ThreadPoolExecutor.
  • Added max size of queue per websocket
  • Performance improvement for websocket updates;
  • Improved websocket sending errors handling.
New Rule nodes:
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed multiple issues related to concurrent restarts of the services in a cluster mode;
  • Fixed issue with header-actions in rpc-widgets;
  • Fixed issues with concurrent device creation using Gateway API;
  • Fixed Zookeeper reconnect error;
  • Fixed bugs related to entity views caching;
  • Fixed concurrency issues with websockets on high load;
  • Critical security fixes for some API calls related to device telemetry;
  • UI. Outsource CSS should be added before custom CSS
  • UI. Entities table widget (raised its height)
  • UI. Hide fixed table header in entity attributes table when in widget selection mode.
  • UI. Fix deprecated maps settings.


ThingsBoard v2.2.0 is available for download via the open source repository hosted on GitHub. To get started with Thingsboard try our Hello World guide or watch Getting Started Video. In order to upgrade previous ThingsBoard installation follow the upgrade instructions.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

ThingsBoard v2.0.3 Release

We are pleased to announce today the availability of ThingsBoard v2.0.3 release that includes critical bug fixes.

What’s new:

Bug fixes:
  • A device created by gateway should be auto assigned to the customer that the gateway is assigned to;
  • Use thread-safe collection in telemetry subscription service;
  • GC tuning and logging;
  • Fixed attribute update subscription doesn't appear to be functioning (bug #842);


ThingsBoard v2.0.3 is available for download via the open source repository hosted on GitHub. To get started with Thingsboard try our Hello World guide or watch Getting Started Video. In order to upgrade previous Thingsboard installation follow the upgrade instructions.

Monday, June 4, 2018

ThingsBoard v2.0.2 Release

We are pleased to announce today the availability of ThingsBoard v2.0.2 release that includes critical bug fixes.

What’s new:

Bug fixes:
  • Add clean session flag to MQTT Node configuration;
  • Fixed chart issues to fetch multiple line data in parallel;
  • Fixed the server do not send a PUBLIC ACK when a PUBLIC on v1/gateway/rpc is received;
  • Update customer title in dashboard assigned customers when customer title is changed;
  • Fixed couldn't get shared attributes;
  • Cluster mode for DeviceStateService;
  • Improved MQTT client;


ThingsBoard v2.0.2 is available for download via the open source repository hosted on GitHub. To get started with Thingsboard try our Hello World guide or watch Getting Started Video. In order to upgrade previous Thingsboard installation follow the upgrade instructions.

Friday, June 1, 2018

ThingsBoard v2.0.1 Release

We are pleased to announce today the availability of ThingsBoard v2.0.1 release that includes minor improvements and critical bug fixes.

What’s new:

  • Rule Engine: Added new check relation filter node;
  • Rule Engine: Added new originator fields enrichment node;
  • Rule Engine: REST API RPC requests from server to device are now forwarded to rule chain;
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed path to installation data (install.data_dir system variable);
  • UI: Fixed bugs in Rule Chain Editor UI to work in different browser zoom levels;


ThingsBoard v2.0.1 is available for download via the open source repository hosted on GitHub. To get started with Thingsboard try our Hello World guide or watch Getting Started Video. In order to upgrade previous Thingsboard installation follow the upgrade instructions.

Monday, May 28, 2018

ThingsBoard v2.0 Release

We are pleased to announce today the availability of ThingsBoard v2.0 release that includes new major features and critical bug fixes.

What’s new:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix cache issue for relation service
  • Fix Y-Axis settings for line charts
  • Fix MqttTransportService NioEventLoopGroup shutdown order error
Special thanks to 
@vparomskiy @volodymyr-babak @mp-loki @Terny22 @jktu2870 @Posi-Paka@dmytro-landiak @dyosick @untilbit @GreatGarlic @jacklicn @affoltep for their contributions and all community members for their feedback!


ThingsBoard v2.0 is available for download via the open source repository hosted on GitHub. To get started with Thingsboard try our Hello World guide or watch Getting Started Video. In order to upgrade previous Thingsboard installation follow the upgrade instructions.

Monday, March 5, 2018

ThingsBoard v1.4.0 Release

We are pleased to announce today the availability of ThingsBoard v1.4.0 release that includes minor improvements and critical bug fixes.

What’s new:

  • Audit Log
  • Assigning Dashboard to Multiple Customers
  • Caching with Redis or Caffeine to cache entity relations, devices and credentials
  • Added API limits per host with white and black lists
  • Mail Plugin update to support multiple email addresses in To and Cc
  • Add Tencent Map to widget library.
  • Map Markers images load improvements.
  • Updated Rest Client
  • UI to remotely configure the IoT Gateways
  • SQS and SNS Plugins added
  • Added new Analogue Compass widget

Bug fixes:

  • "Widget custom CSS editor" improvements to support base64 data urls
  • Timeseries table improvements
  • Fixed ignored MQTT integration tests.
  • script fix
  • Fix StartTLS mail setting.
  • Removed redundant echo of incoming websocket command
  • Fix alarms table widget.
  • Gateway Session ACKs fix
  • Fixed minor animation issue in gauge-widgets
  • IE11 layout fixes.
  • Add translation fallback


ThingsBoard v1.4.0 is available for download via the open source repository hosted on GitHub. To get started with Thingsboard try our Hello World guide or watch Getting Started Video. In order to upgrade previous Thingsboard installation follow the upgrade instructions.

Friday, January 5, 2018

ThingsBoard Video Tutorials: Dashboard Development

We are pleased to announce today the availability of latest ThingsBoard video tutorials that will help you develop great IoT dashboards:

Part 1: Visualizing Assets data using Maps and Tables

The first part of this tutorial provides preparations for the creating a new dashboard and visualizing data from asset attributes. 

Part 2: Dashboard states, Aliases and Widget actions

The second part of this tutorial covers basic operations with dashboard states and actions, introduces us to entity aliases and image map widget.

Part 3: Remote Device control and Alarm management

The third part of this tutorial covers usage of the device control widget and basic operations with rules and alarms.